How to add shop coupons

This guide relates to our e-Commerce plus Club Shop add on. You will only be able to access these features if you have an active subscription of this add-on.

There may be many reasons to add coupons to your shop; you might have surplus stock that you want to shift, or a free-shipping offering, or a multi-product purchase.

Adding coupons entices your customers to purchase your products, book your facilities or order match tickets.

Head to your dashboard, look for the ‘Marketing’ tab and hover over it, once the submenu appears click on the ‘coupons’. You will then be presented with the existing coupons and the option to add new ones.

Select Coupons in this menu.

On a single coupon, you are presented with many different options which allow you to choose which type of coupon you want, restrict usage to users or the number of times it can get used. Set the expiry date to limit the usage, or prompt your customers to use it before they lose it. All the options are labelled and explained so feel free to experiment with the available settings.


Add your coupon code to the field provided.

To test your coupons, head to your shop and add a product to your basket, follow the steps to your cart, and then enter your coupon code into the available coupon field.

Head further down to the page to your cart totals and see how the coupon has affected your total amount.

See how your coupon affects your cart.

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